What is YOUR favorite nonprofit in East Tennessee? Shafer Insurance Agency will donate $1,500 to ONE United Way nonprofit partner agency listed below after we reach 1,500 Facebook followers.
To nominate a nonprofit, please do the following:
1. Like & follow our Facebook page.
2. Share your favorite United Way nonprofit partner agency in the comment section of our Facebook contest post pinned to the top of our Facebook page. If possible, tag the non-profit you are nominating. Nonprofits must be a United Way nonprofit partner agency from one of the United Ways listed below.
3. Although it’s not required, be sure to share the post. The more nominations a nonprofit receives, the better.
Neither Facebook, United Way, nor individual nonprofits are responsible.
Nonprofits nominated must be a United Way partner agency from one of the United Ways listed below. Non-UW agencies will be disqualified.
The winning nonprofit will be notified by phone call, and will be posted on our social media platforms.
The donation to the chosen nonprofit will occur by check within 60 days of close of contest.
The decisions of Shafer Insurance Agency are final.
United Way Nonprofit Partner Agencies
(Click on the United Way in your area to view their list of nonprofit agency partners.)
United Way of East Tennessee Highlands (Johnson City)
United Way of Greater Kingsport